Top Benefits of Using Vitamin C

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Top Benefits of Using Vitamin C


Vitamin C plays an important role in your body. Being an essential vitamin, the body cannot produce it. This vitamin has several roles that result in amazing health benefits. You should note that vitamin C is water-soluble and readily found in many vegetables and fruits, including peppers, spinach, kale, fruit, and broccoli. Although it is advisable to get vitamin C from foods, you can turn to supplements and superfoods. These are some of the benefits of vitamin C.

Reduces Risk of Chronic Disease

You should note that vitamin D is a powerful antioxidant that helps boost the body’s defense mechanisms. As you know, antioxidants are molecules that are effective at boosting the body’s overall immunity. They work by protecting the cells from free radicals. As free radicals accumulate, oxidative stress occurs that causes chronic illnesses.

Control High Blood Pressure

vitamin cIt is estimated that a third of the population suffers from high blood pressure. You should note that high blood pressure can cause heart disease. Vitamin C helps lower blood pressure. That is because it helps relax blood vessels carrying blood to the heart. When you take vitamin C, it helps to reduce systolic blood pressure. However, this does not mean you substitute your medications with vitamin C.

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

There are several factors that cause heart disease. Bad cholesterol and high blood pressure are the primary causes. Vitamin C can help reduce such risk factors. As a result, it reduces the risk of heart disease. Therefore, it is advisable to take 500 mg of vitamin C per day to minimize the risk of heart disease. If you eat a vitamin-C diet, then the supplements may not offer extra health benefits.

Reduce Uric Acid Levels in Blood

Gout is estimated to affect about 4% of the population. The condition is quite painful and causes inflammation of joints. If you have gout, you will experience sudden swelling and pain attacks. These symptoms are common where there is excess uric acid in the body. You should note that uric acid is produced by the body as a byproduct. Consuming vitamin C has shown to be effective in reducing the amount of uric acid in your blood.

Prevent Iron Deficiency

The truth is that iron is quite an important nutrient. That is because it has a range of functions in the body. You will find it to be effective in creating blood cells and transports oxygen across the body.